The Friends of Ringo Ishikawa is a unique and inscrutable narrative-brawler that explores the lives of high school seniors contemplating their future after graduation. You play as Ringo and take part in 2D brawler-style combat, buy food and books to replenish your health and stamina, attend classes, study, work part-time jobs and train at the gym.
Grab a backpack, boxing tape, and focus on what high school is all about: Beating the ever loving crap out of one another! Troublemaker blends favorite action-adventure-beat-'em-up elements from the strongest traditions in the genre.
Step into the shoes of Kyoko or Misako in River City Girls, a beat 'em up extravaganza! With its vibrant pixel-art, riveting manga story panels, and catchy synth-pop soundtrack, you'll enjoy every punch, kick, and combo you unleash on the bad guys. This wild, action-packed adventure is a nostalgic trip filled with humor, stunning art, and epic gameplay.
Explode, destroy, fire, shoot, smash, kill, freeze, send the power of the Gods and don't even think about stopping!
Man, you now have a virtually limitless arsenal to beat: rockets, grenades, automatic rifles, torture instruments and even a NUCLEAR BOMB!.
First chapter of Memory Lost. It is a story-driven action shooter, the battles in which are built around the mechanics of mind capturing and moving into the enemy's body. First-aid kits were not delivered, there is only one magazine in the weapon - change the bodies to survive!
Reloader: test_subject is an experimental "Bullet Counting Reload Action" game. Experience being a Reloader: having legendary shooting skills and engaging in Close-Quarters Combat(CQC). You just have to remember how to use the gun you’re holding.
The game follows a player-controlled crowd of workers rather than a single character,[4] each member with their own weapons, to fight against Pinkertons, militias, and police as they move their way through a level. Players can inspire more workers to join the crowd by liberating factories and encouraging more workers to join the fight. The game's difficulty is dynamic as it is tied in part due to the size of the mob, from being extremely difficult as a single worker to challenging or easy as the mob grows in size.[5] The levels end in boss fights ranging from large vehicles operated by the police to the President of the fictional country the game takes place in.[6][7]
Based on Cartoon Network's hit show, this game stars pint-sized K.O. as he fights Lord Boxman's evil bots to save Lakewood Plaza Turbo. In this story-driven adventure meets cartoon-brawler, you'll complete quests, unlock moves & collect cards of your Plaza pals as you fight to become a true hero.
Experience cinematic kung-fu battles in the fastest, most intense brawler the indie world has ever seen! With the unique 1:1 response system of One Finger Death Punch, players will feel the immediate feedback of every bone-crunching hit. Pay tribute to the masters using five classic kung-fu styles mixed with additional weapons.